Making Love in Monyjieng – The Beginning of a New Chapter of Living in South Sudan



It’s Valentines Day 2022. I’ve not shared a blog in a very long time but, I have finally decided to begin sharing what has taken place over the past two years and my journey through “Making Love in Monyjieng”. Back on December 31st 2020, I shared an email with my family announcing the news of a second wife joining our family. I only received two responses to that email. I’m sure everyone was in shock and understandably so. And to be clear…there were no subsequent blog entries for my folks to follow as the pandemic wreaked havoc and as I became fully aware of the real journey that I was on. 

Anyway, the journey itself has been long and complicated but one that I’m now ready to share with you. There are so many stories to tell and so many questions I’m sure you’ll have and that I want to answer. Just know that this is the first of many blog entries that I’ll be writing to fill you in on what it’s been like “Making Love in Monyjieng”. So, sit back and enjoy….


31 Dec 2020

Dear Family,

Greetings from Juba, South Sudan! 

2020 has been quite a year for us all. We have all experienced so much over the past 12 months that it seems impossible to describe. However, for me, there is actually one event that I can describe and share with you before 2021 begins. Please be seated…

Me and Michael got married! Yes…we were already married AND we married a second wife. You read that right…

I have a co-wife. Michael has a second wife. We are now husband, wife, and wife! Oh! And there is also a 6-year-old girl with us too. So, what was two became four.

Now I know you have a lot of questions but, I simply don’t have the time nor energy to write about it all at this time. The purpose of this email has been to inform you of our new journey as I will be writing in depth about it and sharing on my blog in the coming weeks. But here is basic information:

  1. Our wife’s name is Adhel. She is from the same area as Michael but a different village.
  2. Adhel speaks English and we communicate and get along very well.
  3. Adhel’s daughter’s name is Atap Acuil Mading; a name given to her by Michael’s clan upon marrying her mother and adopting her.
  4. Michael and I agreed on bringing a second wife as he’s always wanted more children…this has been an ongoing conversation between us since Machol was born 22 years ago.
  5. No threesomes  😉

Anyway, like I said, this is just a brief on the most major event that has taken place in our lives in 2020. For anyone who is worried about me, you can send an email or find me on WhatsApp. For anyone who disapproves…too bad, my mama already blessed us. For anyone who just doesn’t understand, check out my blog in a couple of weeks and follow the story.

I love you all and pray that you prosper in 2021!


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